Since writer had to take his larger blog offline due to constant IP theft, he is making this announcement here. Writer began working on his final large text compiling the Higher Teachings of the R.R. et A.C. earlier this week. Like his previous two volumes, it will be limited to approximately five copies, which are already accounted for. ZOAN paved the way and includes many hand scribed diagrams & papers covering Tarot, Chess, Sigils of the Scales, Astronomical Teachings, Energetics, Colour Systems, Calculatory and Translatory Tools, etc. POTENTIÆ DUALIS gives a visual and textual analysis of the various systems, symbols & sub-systems related to the “Dual Potencies” & begins to integrate these topics with the Higher R.R. et A.C. System. This final volume will build on the material included in BETWEEN DARKNESS AND LIGHT, ZOAN & POTENTIÆ DUALIS, as well as writer’s previous works, slide show presentations, etc. It will take a good two years to complete as it requires explaining the material to others despite having worked with & refined the practices for well over four decades. Like ZOAN & POTENTIÆ DUALIS, it will be hard cover, ultra premium paper, full colour and published privately by an academic publisher.